As heavy raindrops descended on our roof, my young son’s mind was filled with inquiries. “Why should we treat animals with respect? What are the benefits?” Encouraging a cordial attitude towards all living things, I explained to my children the pleasure of appreciating nature’s marvels and the interdependence of all organisms in maintaining a balanced ecosystem.
We walked barefoot into the garden, experiencing the soft tickle of the damp grass beneath our bare feet. Along the path, we encountered creepy-crawlies and minuscule insects, which I held fearlessly in my palms to demonstrate to my son. His irises widened with enthusiasm as he witnessed this encounter firsthand. “If you observe carefully,” I urged him, “you will notice their unique attractiveness, which will pique your interest.” I told tales about nature, its creatures, and their contributions to human life.
Each of nature’s extraordinary gifts possesses a trace of enchantment that enriches our lives. The lush verdant vegetation, colourful wildflowers, mushroom-covered tree bark, and glistening foliage all provide sanctuary for a variety of insects. We watched in awe as caterpillars transformed into beautiful butterflies that fluttered gracefully among the blossoms. The soft, velvety red insect was observed elegantly navigating the grass, while the snail cautiously emerged from its shell.
While frogs joyously croaked and cuckoos serenaded us with their melodious songs, a tiny ant assiduously gathered food. Fishes engaged in their mating season, spiders wove intricate webs, and innumerable other captivating scenes unfurled before us.
As dark, water-bearing clouds hovered overhead, we anticipated the impending rain. The rain descended like a nurturing mother, tempering the earth’s heat and comforting the land below. In the midst of this season’s allure, we discovered a striking scarlet insect residing in the verdant grass.
This delicate creature enchanted us with its red fur that was smooth and velvety. Unbeknownst to us, it possesses medicinal properties that benefit humanity in their own special manner. In addition to playing an important role in nature, frogs consume hazardous organisms that coexist with humans. Understanding the importance of storing rainfall emphasised the need to plant more trees to protect our precious planet.
Inspired by our nature-filled excursion, my son dashed inside to retrieve his notebook and immediately began composing his own imaginative story. I served him a scalding cup of milk as he began his storytelling journey, thereby nourishing his young mind as I left him to his creative exploration.

My modest effort to impart an appreciation for nature and its marvels had taken root. I desired to foster a profound regard for all living things and instill an everlasting appreciation for the intricate web of life that surrounds us.